Thanks for our new logo design by Kristina Lacayo of the University of Miami referred by member Ellen Sue Burton of DUO Magazine.
We have 140 members:
62 musicians
Thanks to our
board members for their
continued support.
Why not refer your friends
for membership? Simply suggest that they
support women musicians! EARTHQUAKES!!! We send light and love to all those effected by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Also, a quake shook buildings from Burma to Bangkok, where one of our members, Jus' Cynthia is performing. She is alright and we send her an extra dose of love for her continued safety. Vendors - May 14 $125 (includes $35 ticket) S 2011Congratulations to our 50 VIP TICKET holders. Get $35 advanced tickets for our fundraiser! Tickets will be $45 at the door. Join us on Facebook |
April is Women's Health Care Month
Good health includes good music. When I'm not feeling well, I drink water, take a walk to oxygenate and listen to some good music. That's why we're here to make sure that the music of women gets heard and appreciated. Our mission remains the same - to promote women musicians, globally! Welcome to new members: Yvette Norwood, Natasha Wilson and Laura Petrella (WECAI winner)
I will be attending. If you are interested in car pooling, please let me know. See Jazzonian
Summit on April 16!
FUNDRAISERS WECAI founder Heidi Richards is featuring our musical members in the April edition of her online magazine. Be sure to see the article at Two WECAI members have requested bulk orders of our compilation CD with 10 fabulous female composers, to distribute complimentary to their clients. This is an opportunity for us to raise funds for business expenses and our EuroTour. If you know of any businesses that may be interested in doing this, please have them contact me at They get a deep discount on order of 100 or more with their company's name imprinted on the CD and cover, stating, "Compliments of ABC Company". Our fundraiser on May 14, with Rick DellaRatta of Jazz For Peace will be held at ArtServe. The VIP list is full and regular- priced tickets are on sale for $35. We would like to have two shows. This depends on how many tickets are sold by April 30, at which time we'll decide to have one or two shows at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. WE NEED THE HELP OF ALL MEMBERS TO SELL TICKETS. The proceeds from our CD and ticket sales will go towards our tour. Who will meet me at SunTrust Sunday Jazz Brunch at Riverwalk in Fort Lauderdale to distribute fliers for our May 14 Jazz For Peace Fundraiser on Sunday April 2 and May 1??? |
Jazz Industry Comes Together
with Rick DellaRatta
SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2011 @ 6 p.m.
with Rick DellaRatta
Besides increasing our membership
of musicians and supporters, we continue to submit grant
applications for performance funding. In January, we present EUROTOUR June, 2011
The Mayor of Fiuggi, Italy has invited a delegation of municipal officers
and businesses from the City
of Lauderhill to visit his City to discuss twinning. Time is of the
essence to raise funds to purchase at least two airline tickets
for WIJSF representatives.
We continue to work on raising funds for air fare
and hotel for our EuroTour
June-July 2011. We're offering a great opportunity to one or more
corporate underwriters, looking for visibility in Europe for their
business. We will take a banner with us with our logo and the logos
of our underwriters who provide us with a tax-deductible
contribution of $10k-$100,000 for travel expense
Every time we are on stage, radio, television or reviewed in a
newspaper, our
The return on this investment cannot be determined, since the
publicity needs of corporations interested in underwriting this
venture are not known at this time. However, this should be considered
a huge opportunity for any corporation looking to get their branding
into international business circles.
Thank you,
"Keep your dream close to your
heart!" ~
Diva JC
Joan Cartwright, Executive Director |
See Article on our 10 fabulous composers in WE Magazine.