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2/3/2012 @ 4 - 4:30 PM WIJSF Compilation CD Volume II - Part 3 - Lenore Raphael & Self-Animation
WHO ARE YOU? Click to see photo gallery of Jan 25 UPCOMING EVENTS Click images to enlarge FEBRUARY 26 Click images to enlarge Where is Rick DellaRatta, now? WEATHER It's February 1st and 73 degrees!
Melody Cole says, "Join the American Federation of Musicians and start your retirement account, today! In only five years you will be vested in a fund that pays out the highest return in the land." Read these pages from the Musician's Union Handbook
South Florida Musicians
February is Lover's Month - Happy Valentine's Day!!! WIJSF
Compilation CD Volume
II released in January 2012!
MESSAGE TO WIJSF MEMBERS from our Secretary, Mimi Johnson Greetings Fellow WIJSF Members! As a member, contributor, supporter and the Secretary of WOMEN IN JAZZ
SOUTH FLORIDA, INC., I would like to thank you all for your continued
support! We are coming into a prosperous and delightful New Year that will
be very exciting for us all. Our organization is geared to promoting and
supporting women in music. Increasing the profile of our company will add
value as an organization and we need your help. The promotional tools
below will help us hire you as musicians and vocalists to increase your
annual income. Please follow these promotion suggestions: Every day post at FACEBOOK & ALL SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES our link
www.wijsf.org as your status, share
it, LIKE it, and comment on it, daily. Ask others to join our
organization. (Family, Musicians, Friends, Music Lovers, etc.) Email your fans, friends, and family about WOMEN IN JAZZ SOUTH
FLORIDA, INC. and let them know that they can help by making
tax-deductible donations to our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Women in Jazz South Florida,
Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, educational
organization that promotes women musicians, globally, through events,
concerts, performances, clinics, lectures, workshops, articles,
interviews, newsletters, courses, contacts, research, history, archives, websites,
film, audio and video recording, and recognition. www.wijsf.org For those who do not use the internet, you can text and call your
family and friends on the phone, share the www.wijsf.org link and let them
know that you are a member of this awesome organization. If all of the members use these promotional tools even once a week, we
will see an increase in our organization's profile and our company will
continue to flourish, financially! Again, thank you so much for your support and talent! Cordially,
Community Composers meet Parkway
Middle School On Wednesday,
January 25, 2012, at 10 a.m.
and 11:30 a.m., we presented our concert FROM
BEBOP TO DOO WOP TO HIP HOP at the Amaturo Theater of the Broward
Center for the Performing Arts, through
a Broward Schools Student Enrichment in the Arts (SEAS) grant. Our Community
Composers contributed seven original songs performed by Parkway
Middle School Jazz Band led by Melton Mustafa, Jr. and Vocal
Ensemble led by Karl Richards. Dr.
Malcolm Black, 20-year veteran leader of the Broward College Jazz Band
arranged the scores of composers Jus’ Cynthia and Joan Cartwright.
Also featured will be the music of Robin Avery, Paul Banman, and
Art Wilson.
Many thanks to Lorna Lesperance for her tireless work with the Vocal
Ensemble to prepare them for this concert and to Monica Bailey for covering
our table in the lobby! This
program was not open to the public but Broward Schools allowed 30
of our invited guests to attend. Below are some of their responses. A very enjoyable morning and a
concert that was amazing. Those kids have talent. - James Downey,
Production Supervisor, Broward Center for the Performing Arts I loved the show! The young boy
[Kevin Willis] that was singing was SUPERB! HE IS ON HIS WAY TO STARDOM! – Lauren
DeJohn It was the great reactions of the
student audience that are as memorable as the music generated by our
young middle school musicians that moved me the most. – Al
Calloway, South Florida Times Thank you for inviting me to the
students’ performance yesterday at the Broward Center for the
Performing Arts. What a show! I hope that this program will continue
to showcase the budding talents of Broward schools’ best. It was an
awesome performance and I enjoyed myself immensely. Thank you for
thinking of me. - Hayward J. Benson, Jr., Vice Mayor, City of
Lauderhill Thanks so much for the invite. The
program was truly outstanding with so many youth not only
participating but supporting the Arts. These art programs provide
youth with positive alternatives. - Ann Williams, Broward
Libraries Thanks for inviting me to hear the
Parkway Middle School Jazz Band. I enjoyed the
Keep up the good work. - William Holmes A thrill and an honor to be able
to video this amazingly talented group of Professional Musicians and
Singers and our greatest asset, the aspiring youth that follow in
the footsteps of our Professionals. I saw by the fan appreciation
that many of the audience members are also striving to be in Show
Business and I offer this piece of advice,
Cartwright has your best interests in her heart
and becoming a member of Women in Jazz South Florida, Inc., is a
great step in the right direction. – Andrew Singer Dearest Joan, Oh how I enjoyed the
concert on yesterday. I just could not believe the children were so
talented. I especially enjoyed your piece where you mixed the genres
of jazz and hip hop; I got so caught up in the blending of music. For
the entire time that I was there, my eyes were tearing up and I
thought: why can’t we have all the schools engaged in this kind of
musical activity. It would probably cure what ails us in South
Florida. There was no doubt that you all had put a lot of hard work
into the program. Thanks so very much for your effort. The children
love you. - Wiley J. Huff, BSO Thank you for inviting me, that was a great way to
begin my day. To recognize the effort and skill that it took to pass
this art form along to our young people was amazing. I enjoyed every
note, so much so that I would have stayed for a repeat performance, if
I could. I was extremely impressed with the youth that performed, they
were not only playing what they learned, but were really feeling the
music. The young audience listen and enjoyed the show and expressed
their appreciation with enthusiastic applause. Music and the arts are
necessary ingredients that will foster the stars of tomorrow. You
never know what lies within an innocent child - greatness. We must
allow them to grow. The vocalists were great too, the young singer
definitely showed star qualities. What a voice! Thanks again Joan and
keep up the great work, please keep me informed. Your Detroit
connection, Alfreda D. Upshaw, President, It Is Connection, The
Consultant Group The music was outstanding and the
range of great talent was awesome! I can only imagine the greatness in
store for these student Musicians & Performers. - Joseph
Mustipher, V.P. of WIJSF, INC. Joan and Lorna, I just had to thank
both of you for all the hard work with the kids. The show was fabulous. It
was an eye opening experience for me. I couldn't believe
you were doing music from Mr. Arthur Wilson and Dr Malcolm. Black as well as your
original works. It made it even more special. There is
nothing like hearing music "first hand." Thank you
again. I can hardly wait for next year! ~ Mary Meillier,
Artistic Director, Parkway Magnet Middle School of the Arts
Go to these links and, if you're a member of WordPress, leave your comments.
member Sheryl Dickey has built a beautiful, new building - The Midtown
Commerce Center with a lovely Art & Cultural Center! We begin our
Third Saturday concert series Jazz@MCC on April 21st. Get
your member discount tickets and ticket packages at this link:
We need your continued support. Please pay your current dues! Our
member Caryn Danzy from Bayshore, Long Island has organized a site to help
us raise funds. Click on the banner below and see if you see something
that interests you.
& Aziza Major are RADIANCE! FEBRUARY 2012 Schedule of
DATE EVENT LOCATION Feb 4, 2012 @ 3:30 PM Black History Celebration Feb 18, 2012 @ 10 AM Black History Community
Celebration City of
Feb 18, 2012
@ 12 PM Woodson Heritage Festival Feb 18, 2012 @ 2:30 PM Kijiji Moja – Black History Joseph C. Carter Park, 1450 W.
Feb 21, 2012 @ 9:00 AM Black History Celebration Feb 23, 2012 @ 6:00 PM YMCA – Black History
| WHO WE ARE | All Newsletters
Coming in 2012
- www.saaff.net
Our membership
is increasing steadily as we to submit grant proposals for funding.
MUSICWOMEN performed at four senior centers in Miami Beach, through a
grant from Miami
Beach Gala Grants.
"Keep your dream close to your
heart!" ~
Diva JC
Joan Cartwright, Executive Director |