Our 170 members: 81 musicians,
Welcome our Venue Members AMAZING MUSICWOMEN
Friday, March 16, 2012 @ 4 - 4:30 p.m
March 23, 2012 @ 4-4:30 p.m.
CALL IN NUMBER: (714) 364-4714 WHO ARE YOU? Click images to enlarge WEATHER It's March 1 and it's 85 degrees!
The Diva and Daughter Experience
Melody Cole says, "Join the American Federation of Musicians and start your retirement account, today! In only five years you will be vested in a fund that pays out the highest return in the land." Read these pages from the Musician's Union Handbook
South Florida Musicians
Asso - Local 655 Tues., March 20, 2012 @ 4 - 4:30 p.m.
Call in number (858)
March is Women's History Month!
is March 15, 2012. We've had five years of successful programming that has paid thousands of dollars to women musicians and men who support them! Last month was especially wonderful for me, musically and personally. I had several great gigs, particularly with the Amazing Musicwomen Ensemble that performed at the Arts Garage and is invited back March 31, by popular demand!!! Of 30 songs submitted to Donne
in Musica for Donne in Jazz 2012,my gospel song”The
Glory Road" was
chosen. WIJSF is an International Honor Chair Committee Member of Donne in
Musica. This is such an honor!
new series Jazz @ MCC at the Most importantly, we would like to welcome our two venue members - Satchmo Blues Bar owned by Harald Neuweg and Bienes Center for the Performing Arts of St. Thomas Aquinas High School directed by Joe Basi. We are thrilled to have these two venues where we will be presenting concerts in the ensuing months and years! Organized by Liz Sharp, DIVAS @ SATCMO on Sunday, February 26, was a SMASH HIT! TWO FABULOUS MUSICWOMEN
Go to these links and, if you're a member of WordPress, leave your comments.
We need your continued support. Please pay your current dues! Our member Caryn Danzy from Bayshore, Long Island has organized a site to help us raise funds. Click on the banner below and see if you see something that interests you.
On Sunday, March
11 @ 8 to Midnight, Joan Cartwright will be the
guest of WLRN
Host Ted Grossman. Written
by Denise
Grant for the South Florida Times [February
9, 2012 - FORT
LAUDERDALE] A seed sown is a harvest destined to be
reaped, and Women in Jazz South Florida is positioned to
reap greater success as the organization pursues it
purpose of educating, entertaining and stabilizing our
community through the brilliance and eloquence of jazz
music. On
Jan. 25 at The Broward Cultural Center, middle school
students and spectators watched in excitement and
amazement, captivated by an array of finger-snapping jazz
sounds at an event with the theme,
“From Bebop, To Doo
Woop, To Hip Hop.” The
riveting music was composed and performed by jazz
musicians who included the Parkway Middle School Jazz
Band, and Joan Cartwright, Women in Jazz’s founder and
executive director. Other
noted musicians among the lineup of talented artists
included Dr. Malcolm Black, 20-year veteran leader of the
Broward College Jazz Band and the highlighted arranger of
the event; Jus’ Cynthia, composer and performer; Robin
Avery and Paul Banman, composers of Light the Way; Arthur
James Wilson, former Sam & Dave band director; and
Melton Mustafa Jr., band director and maestro of Parkway
Middle School. Women
in Jazz South Florida is a nonprofit organization, not
limited to women musicians, that appreciates and
celebrates the contribution of all who treasure jazz music.
The organization’s latest event was colorful, exciting
and inspiring, as the Parkway Middle School Band
collaborated with seasoned musicians to deliver their best
renditions of songs composed by legendary jazz greats.
the performances spectacular in sound and rhythm, the
audience became engaged by the first song, Countin' on the
Count, composed by Cartwright. The youths played as
professionals, not missing a note. Young girls dressed in
red-sequined tops and black bottoms graced the audience
with jazz-worthy voices, their performance delightful and
enthusiastic throughout. The
atmosphere was set for celebration and the audience was
truly receptive as schoolchildren watched their peers in
admiration. Black-and-white images of prominent jazz
musicians flashed across a screen as the band played
seamlessly. It was an honorable merging of old with new,
paying homage to the legends who paved the way. Each song
performed was enjoyable and inspirational, as students of
varied cultural backgrounds played with one accord
conveying one message: music, jazz music. Among
several highlight moments that thrilled the audience,
Cartwright, a musician who exemplifies excellence in her
artistry, wowed observers with her ability to combine rap
beats and lingo with jazz music in her well known song,
Talkin’ that Jazz. The audience engaged in a “call and
response” tribute to the legend as she pumped her fist,
moved her hips and talked a lot of jazz. Additionally,
many were clearly surprised by talented 17-year-old Kevin
Willis’ renditions of Rogers’ and Hart’s Blue Moon,
and Why Do Fools Fall In Love, written by Frankie Lyman.
Willis’ voice was remarkably trained and mature, and his
peers cheered in amazement as the young aspiring musician
commanded the stage. What inspires his ability to sing
with such confidence? “I
have been singing since I was a child,” Willis said.
“I discovered my voice by accident, as I sang a song
heard on the radio and my aunt thought that I was the
radio.” As he enters college next year, he said, he will
pursue business and music to further his career and his
love of music and performing. The
event concluded with the soothing sounds of Robin Avery
and Paul Banman, and their song of encouragement, a
beckoning call for a greater tomorrow, entitled Light the
Women in Jazz South Florida’s vision of combining
established jazz musicians with youths who appreciate the
art was a success. The performances were a respectable
tribute to jazz music. Cartwright brilliantly entertained,
while expanding the minds of each child who participated
and/or watched the performance. “Building
peace through the arts,” she said, is her mission.” Music
is the soul of our community as it is the universal
language, Cartwright added, therefore, we can acquire
peace and harmony through music.
For more information visit wijsf.com NOTE:
Kevin Willis, Denise Grant and Lynn Brown are now members
of Women in Jazz South Florida, Inc.! www.wijsf.org
| WHO WE ARE | All Newsletters
Coming in 2013
- www.saaff.net
Our membership
is increasing steadily as we to submit grant proposals for funding.
MUSICWOMEN performed at four senior centers in Miami Beach, through a
grant from Miami
Beach Gala Grants.
"Keep your dream close to your
heart!" ~
Diva JC
Joan Cartwright, Executive Director |